Why should you read a Political Party’s Manifesto?

Good News! We have read all the election party manifestos (you’re welcome!) We have read and provided an analysis of the all the manifestos. But I know what you’re thinking, ‘that’s great thanks CARE but why should I read the manifesto analyses? Are they really that important?’

Before I go any further, might I suggest that before you give a political party your vote, read their manifesto. It will give you a real insight into what they stand for, what they believe, what changes they’re going to introduce and what they plan to do in the next mandate. Some truths in their manifesto might even surprise you! And in short you’ll know what you are actually voting for.

But life is busy and the elections are close, you may not have the time to read 5/6 documents which are 30+ pages long which is why we have produced the manifesto analyses which can be found here:  https://elections2022.care.org.uk/manifesto-analysis/ However, the focus of the analysis is on the CARE issues (family/life/justice) it is not exhaustive. Perhaps you’re interested in the Environment/Education/the cost-of-living crisis? That detail will not be included here, but there may be some mention of it in the parties manifestos, so I would once again encourage you to read them.

But I still have not answered the original question posed, why should you read the manifestos or manifesto analysis?

We have said it before, and I will say it again. These elections have the potential to radically change politics in Northern Ireland. For Christians this is no small thing, we could see more liberal politicians coming into power and implementing laws which are contradictory to biblical truths. At CARE we want you to be informed, not just at the ballot box but also for about the potential future challenges that might be ahead of us.

In Ephesians 6 Paul instructs us to put on the armour of God, now is the time- suit up and start praying, we are entering a battle! The political environment and culture in Northern Ireland is changing- reading the manifesto analyses will provide to with the information to know what we should be praying for and against. Do not misunderstand me, the post is not intended to discourage you, we serve a God who is greater than the whim of kings and rulers and greater than the Northern Ireland Assembly. But as Christians we need to take a stand on the front line and make informed decisions when we vote. To finish I would like to borrow some words of Franklin D Roosevelt,

‘Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us, the ultimate rulers of our democracy are not [the First or Deputy First Minister and MLAs] but the voters of this country.


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