Green Party

Manifesto Analysis

The Green Party Manifesto can be found at:


Marriage and Family

The Green Party will:

  • Require the introduction of mandatory, comprehensive and inclusive Relationships and Sexuality Education.
  • Introduce stand-alone Critical Thinking Skills and Information Literacy to the curriculum of all schools to combat the rise of misinformation.
  • Deliver a Northern Ireland Bill of Rights.
  • Promote and encourage employers to implement family- and carer-friendly working policies such as childcare leave, working from home, the right to switch off outside working hours, a day-one right to sick pay, maternity leave, shared parental leave, and paid family leave across all sectors.

The Green Party will:

  • Ensure that LGBTQI+ relationships have access to the full rights and benefits currently enjoyed by heterosexual couples.
  • Ban ‘conversion therapy’ in Northern Ireland.
  • Update the Gender Recognition Act 2004 to provide transgender and non-binary people in Northern Ireland with gender recognition processes based on self-declaration.
Online Safety and Gambling
  • There is nothing explicitly in the Green Party NI manifesto that relates to online safety or gambling.



The Green Party will:

  • Ensure free, safe, legal and local access to reproductive healthcare, including the full commissioning of abortion services, accessible without harassment.
Assisted Suicide

The Green Party will:

  • Support dignity in dying.



The Green Party will:

  • Deliver a Refugee Integration Strategy for Northern Ireland and commit to a Crisis Fund to ensure no asylum seeker is reduced to destitution.
Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
  • There is nothing explicitly in the Green Party NI manifesto that relates to sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking.
Violence against Women:

The Green Party will:

  • Ensure a greater focus on tackling domestic and sexual violence and abuse, including the provision of additional statutory support for victims. We will support and introduce a robust and funded strategy to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls and seek to change legislation in line with the Gillen Review recommendations.